Upcoming Events

Stay Up-to-Date With Regulatory Changes

The H-2A program is monitored by several government organizations, and the details of his policy can change at any time. We stay on top of these regulatory changes and pass this information on to you, so you can make changes to your employment practices as needed. We can help you stay current with these and other changes in a number of ways, including regular events we host on these topics, as well as our Agricultural Employment Compliance Guide, an in-depth look at agricultural employment legal requirements provided in cooperation with the legal experts at Varnum Law.

Our events are typically held in the winter or spring seasons. Attendees gain critical knowledge and receive appropriate course materials or regulatory materials. These events can include the following topics:

  • Immigration issues and changes to policies through the Department of Labor, Homeland Security, Citizenship and Immigration Services, and others.
  • Employment and recruiting in agriculture, domestically and internationally
  • Farm inspections
  • Documentation requirements

Upcoming Events

Our events are typically held in the winter or spring seasons. Please check back for our upcoming events.

Have a question about our upcoming events?

We can answer any questions you may have about meeting requirements, costs involved, and more info on how the process might work for you.